Puaada trailer has been released recently. The drama entertainer is directed by Rupinder Chahal, produced by Atul Bhalla & released under the banner of Brat Films. Puaada features Sonam Bajwa & Ammy Virk in the lead roles. Screenplay for the Puaada is written by Anil Rodhan while cinematography is done by Anshul Chobeey. Puaada is scheduled to release on 2, April, 2021 & in Theatres.
3 minutes & 16 seconds Puaada trailer is garnering good response. Announcing the release of Puaada trailer, Sonam Bajwa took to Instagram to share happiness on the occasion.
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Watch Puaada trailer in HD video on MissFilmy.com. We wish all the success to the team of Puaada.