Tanhaji trailer was launched on 16 December 2019. The launch event was attended by the team including Ajay, Kajol and Ashutosh Govaireker. Ajay Devgn has portrayed the role of Tanaji Malusare the general of Maratha king Chhatrapati Shivaji in the historical epic Tanhaji: The unsung Warrior along with Kajol, who plays the role of his wife in the movie. The movie shows how Tanaji fought against Uday Bhan who attacked the fort of Kondhana during the rule of Shivaji.
Tanhaji died after the fight with his rival but secured the fort of Kondhana which was named as Sinhagad or Lion’s Fort by Shivaji as a tribute to Tanaji and his bravery. Tanhaji Trailer is a grand treat for all and the visual effects of the movie are stunning. The trailer brings alive the pages of history before the battle of Sinhagad.
It shows how Tanhaji preparing for the battle and Uday Bhan devises every possible way to bring down the Maratha army. Actor Sharad Kelkar, who plays the role of Chhatrapati Shivaji in the film also keeps on appearing in the movie but the main focus of the movie is laid on Tanaji and his bravery in the battle.
The best scene of the movie is despite losing his hand Tanaji keeps on fighting for the saffron and emerges victorious. Saif Ali Khan who plays the role of Uday Bhan in the movie and his avatar in the movie will leave you wanting for more. He has made a very powerful impact with his stellar performance.
After Omkara, Saif and Ajay will be sharing the screen space and their scenes together will surely leave the audience applauding. The movie has already hit the theatres on January 10 and is earning really well.