Happy Hardy and Heer trailer were launched by Himesh Reshammiya in his concerts in November. Happy Hardy and Heer feature Himesh Reshammiya in a double role. One is of a Sikh wearing turban named Happy and one is of a musician named Hardy. The film also has internet sensation Ranu Mondal as a playback singer.
The trailer shows that Happy is in love with his childhood friend Sonia Mann who has friend-zoned him. She falls in love with his lookalike Hardy, a rockstar. The movie has beautiful locations abroad and the background music changes as per the changing moods of the film.
The movie’s soundtrack has popular songs like Teri Meri Kahani and Ashiqui Mein Teri 2.0 sung by Ranu Mondal. She became an internet sensation after singing Ek Pyaar ka nagma Hai on railway platform originally sung by Lata Mangeshkar.
Happy Hardy and Heer was scheduled to release on January 3 but released on January 31 due to Reshammiya’s busy schedule as the judge of Indian Idol. The movie is produced by Sabita Mankachand and Deepshikha Deshmukh and directed by Raka.