The film opens with the protests that followed after the 2012 Delhi gang-rape case. Deepika Padukone plays the role of an acid attack survivor (Malti) in the movie. Chhapaak Trailer takes you through the phases of accusations, court trial and victim shaming in the life of a normal girl whose life changes after her face gets disfigured. We also get to know the insensitivity a girl has to deal with when asked about this heinous crime.
Meghna Gulzar who has earlier directed Talvar and Raazi handles the story with maturity and does not move away from the main subject. She understands the essence of the story and instead of provoking sympathy she gives a strong message of celebrating life and standing tall despite facing any kind of adversity.
Within a few seconds of the trailer, you can relate to Malti’s emotions. We see Malti after her surgery and her struggle to get used to the new appearance. The trailer of the movie moves on from cry to justice to story of hope within a minute.
We see how Malti fights against all the odds and emerges victorious. The film also stars Vikrant Massey who comes like a ray of hope in Malti’s life. The audience will surely enjoy the chemistry of Deepika and Vikrant.