shahid kapoor
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Shahid Kapoor Gets Injured While Shooting For Jersey
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Its Second Baby Boy for Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput
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Shahid Kapoor to Play the Role of Boxer Dingko Singh
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Shahid Over-Excited Mira Rajput Has First TV Commercial
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Shahid Kapoor Take a Paternity Leave Soon
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Mira Rajput Message for Shahid Kapoor “We Miss You”
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Shahid Kapoor & Shraddha Kapoor Shoot Film Batti Gul Meter Chalu
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Shahid Kapoor Wife Mira Rajput Spotted with Baby Bump
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Celebrities in Tanushree Ranta Wedding
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Shahid Kapoor to Play the Lead Role Arjun Reddy Remake
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Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput to Become Parents for the Second Time
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