Love JAction Ratings & Love JAction Review by Critics
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Love JAction Web Series Full Star Cast & Crew Details
Love JAction was released on 12, march, 2021. The action genre web series is directed by Saursbh Tiwari, produced by Joe Jose & released under the banner of Parin Multimedia.
Love JAction features Shubhankar Das, Bijou Thanngjam, Rohit Chaudhary & Puru Chhiber in the lead roles. Other actors in Love JAction include Anuj Singh Duhan, Kangan Baruah Nagian & Priyank Tiwari. Screenplay for the Love JAction is written by Pranjal Saxena while cinematography is done by Arkodeb Mukherjee.
Love JAction is based on the concept of a brave young man from Uttar Pradesh, who is deeply in love with a girl named Kamya Gupta.
Love JAction Watch Options
Love JAction is available to stream on popular online streaming platform such as :