Gandii Baat Season 5 Review
Gandii Baat Season 5 Review
Obnoxious, Ridiculous and Painfully Boring.

Gandii Baat Season 5 Review is a mixture of four stories where all the lead characters have a fascination with their looks, social media approval, sexual identity and infidelity. The first episode is about an anonymous erotic novelist who reveals the sexual lives of his/her colleagues by giving away their true identity which causes them embarrassment. 

The second episode of Gandii Baat Season 5 is about a female Kabbadi player who tries to understand her sexuality. The third episode is a story of how romance through dating apps can pose an awkward situation. The last and final episode of Gandii Baat 5 shows how low one can stoop to get social media following from people. 

The performances by the actors including Ankit Bhatia, Pamela Monda, Amika Shail, Nikhil Bhatia, Piyali Munshi and Sanya Bansal cannot be called memorable as all of them are busy flaunting their bodies.

Gandii Baat web series is aimed for a specific set of audience and cannot be generalized for all. Ever since it started streaming on the online platform there was a lot of shock among people as nothing of this sort has ever been shown to Indian audiences. The show was not a pathbreaking one but it has normalised sexual desire greatly. 

Gandii Baat web series has always shown India as a land of people who are sexually unsatisfied and the fifth season is an unsuccessful attempt in cashing the franchise. There is no newness and we find that all the stories have already been read or witnessed by us on many points though in different degrees. 

The creativity of the writers has taken a backseat in the series. The motives of the characters are head spinning and baffling. Whether it is an erotic novelist who is trying to change the world with her writings or a husband who sleeps with girls because his wife is cheating on him or a gym instructor who feeds wrong medicines to a guy out of jealousy is something not acceptable to a common man.

A transgender is identified by applying kajal under his eyes and he is very embarrassed about his sexuality. Nothing progressive can be seen in this kind of portrayal of a transgender. Though the makers know that Gandii Baat Season 5 is all about intimate sequences and scenes, there should be a conviction in the content even if the storytelling is not great. 

The main focus of the web series is to show a few intimate scenes irrespective of where the story goes. The 45-minute duration of every episode is wasted and underutilized and the options in the story have not been explored well. If we compare it to Lust Stories, then we can observe that the latter is much better in terms of showing sexual desire without compromising on virtual aesthetics. 

Gandii Baat 5 tries a modern approach this time but offers nothing new. It is just like an attention-seeking video on YouTube which people want to watch even if there is nothing in it. The show is made in a tight budget and offers usual shots, visuals and set-ups. The visuals are filled with vulgarity and the music is a mixture of the soundtracks which we hear on most of the AltBalaji shows.

We have compiled a list of Gandii Baat 5 Ratings from various sources which will help you in deciding whether to watch the series or not.

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