The Disciple Ratings & The Disciple Review by Critics
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The Disciple Full Star Cast & Crew Details
The Disciple was released on 30 April 2021. The drama genre feature film is directed by Chaitanya Tamhane, produced by Alfonso Cuaron & released under the banner of Zoo Entertainment.
The Disciple features Aditya Modak, Arun Dravid, Sumitra Bhave & Deepika Bhide Bhagwat in the lead roles. Other actors in The Disciple include Kiran Yadnyopavit, Abhishek Kale & Neela Khedkar. Screenplay for the The Disciple is written by Chaitanya Tamhane while cinematography is done by Michal Sobocinski. Music for the movie is composed by Naren Chandacarkar.
The Disciple Watch Options
The Disciple is also available to stream on popular online streaming platforms such as: