Salman Khan is very busy during lockdown at his Panvel farmhouse and surrounded by friends and family. Salman has produced a DIY video, Tere Bina, with Jacqueline Fernandez. The actor discussed how the song came into existence.
“Back home in Bandra, we have a neighbour, Ajju (Ajay) Bhatia, who would keep asking me to sing for him. So far, I have sung four songs for him. Tere Bina is one of those. It wasn’t fitting into any of my films, so we decided to release it now.”
The entire video was shot with three people Slaman, Jacqueline and DOP. Salman has directed the video along with singing it and she has put up the lights. It was not easy to edit the song. “Things were slow. Everyone’s using wifi, so internet speed was so slow that it took us 24 to 36 hours to download some files. Everything went back and forth about 70 to 80 times. Finally, we got our edit, our teaser,” Salman said.
The song is the cheapest production till now and was shot over a period of four days.
Tere Bina Video Song
Sung by: Salman Khan