We are all very excited for Kapil Sharma’s comeback on the television, after a short break. Apart from bringing back a Comedy show, reports suggest that he will be replacing Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s Show Super Dancer 2. And also, this time Kapil’s show will be a Comedy/Gameshow.
When asked Kapil about his comeback, he said “I have a wonderful relationship with the Sony team. Another channel would have put insane pressure on me to carry on, but the Sony bosses never issued any threats. I could not afford to cancel another episode so I called them and requested that I wanted to take a break. They readily agreed. They have been really supportive. I have no plans of leaving Sony.”
Sony is planning an innovative strategy to Kapil’s comeback show with a huge event. We are excited to see what this show is going to be like and win loads of prizes.