Alia Bhatt has turned 25 on the 15th of March, Thursday. But, unlike her other birthdays, this one seems to be on a low-key celebration as she is busy shooting for Brahmastra in Bulgaria with Ranbir Kapoor.
After her break-up with Sidharth Malhotra. Alia’s personal life has become the talk of the town. She is now being linked with her co-star Ranbir Kapoor. This link-up started with Neha Dhupia’s show BFF’s with Vogue. She is also being linked with Kavin Mittal the founder of a messaging application.
Coming to her birthday, she introduced her character Sehmat, from Raazi on Instagram along with a few pictures. She also revealed that the trailer will be out on April 9.
Apart from Raazi and Brahmastra, Alia will also be seen opposite Ranveer Singh in Gully Boy.