Abhishek Bachchan Never Misses out on Reply his Trolls

Abhishek Bachchan

Abhishek Bachchan has been trolled by trolls on social media many times. But, what we can learn by that is how to not let it affect you and give a jaw-dropping answer for sure.

A few years ago a troll had faced the wrath of junior Bacchan on twitter. When the troll
Posted a meme on how his daughter Aaradhya would not like watching Drona and Jhoom Barabar Jhoom and also wondered why Aishwarya Rai married him.

@juniorbachchan, is ur child not going to school? I do wonder What school gives permission to take an out a kid when u like other children. Abhishek replied, Ma’am, as far as I know… Most schools are shut for the week-end. She goes to school on the weekdays. Maybe you should try it considering you spelling in your tweet.”

Aishwarya had to marry tree first so she could marry a rock9mince Abhishek can’t act no?) “the question mark at the end suggests that you have a doubt, mince, there is hope for me. Yay!” an optimistic Abhishek wrote.

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