Bollywood actors including Hrithik Roshan, Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher and Pankaj Tripathi have extended their heartfelt wishes on the occasion of Chhath Pooja. Hrithik wished his fans and hoped that the festival would bring positivity and better days for all. Pankaj Tripathi also extended his warm wishes on Twitter in Hindi about his old days in his hometown.
Kher, Sonu Sood and Siddhant Chaturvedi also took to Twitter and wished their fans on the festival. Chhath Pooja is celebrated on the sixth day of Karthik month which is the fourth day after Diwali.
State governments across the country have asked people to be careful while celebrating the festival in the ongoing pandemic. The devotees worship Sun God and his wife Usha on Chhath to express their gratitude and seek blessings as per Hindu rituals.