Legally Raped Full Star Cast & Crew Details
Legally Raped short film was released on march, 2021. The drama genre short film is directed by Charulatha B Rangarajan, produced by Arul Chidambaram & released under the banner of Thiyuthi Movies. Legally Raped features Amrutha Srinivasan, Antony Hadle & Preethisha Premkumaran in the lead roles. Other actors in Legally Raped include Amuthan Ramalingam & Vigneswaran SP. Screenplay for the Legally Raped is written by Charulatha B Rangarajan while cinematography is done by Darshan Venkat. Legally Raped is based on the concept of Legally Raped revolves around a woman getting out of an abusive marriage & how she deals with it emotionally!.
Legally Raped Short Film Streaming Details
Legally Raped is available to stream on popular online streaming platform such as BehindwoodsTV.
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