Cubicles Web Series revolves around the life of Piyush Prajapati played by Abhishek Chauhan who is an internee in an IT company and a new joiner. His friends, life and experiences form the main crux of the show. Abhishek Chauhan fits perfectly in the role of a serious-looking and hard-working average Indian man. His casting for the role covers half of the acting work desired in a given role. Either he might be very effortless due to which he appears he plays his part perfectly.
Chaitanya Kumbhakonum is the director of Cubicles Web Series. The story of Cubicles Season 1 is very simple and focuses around a few relatable stages which happen with every newbie in an IT field. The various episodes are formed through the first day at the office, weekend planning, new friends at work, boss and first salary among other events.
The friendship between colleagues who are at the same level and between lower designation is also brought out well. All this works due to a good lead protagonist. The Cubicles Season 1 has many feel-good elements and likeable factors but it starts shaking towards the end. The introduction of love angle and girlfriend is okay for a short period but when few issues are woven into it the series becomes a little stretchy.
After a point, the series also becomes a little repetitive. The series is a well-planned one but we have seen The Viral Fever handling the space in a much better way in the past. The small moments are done well but their level remains constant. The final impact of the series is brought due to this small drawback.
All the other actors apart from Abhishek Chauhan do not have a well-developed part. That is however not the requirement of the series. Many small actors make their presence felt despite a short screen time. All this is because their characters are quite relatable. Arnav Bhasin as a roommate is good with his careless attitude. His scenes are very few but the writing of his part is very good for creating a long-lasting impression.
Niketan Sharma and Badri Chavan who are project teammates have distinct characters for making them noticeable. The similar case lies with Shivankit Singh Parihar. Nidhi Bisht who played a character similar to Abhishek Chauhan a few years back has now become a team leader. She brings warmth and calmness to the series. Shrishti Rindani performs her part very well but at times goes too far with her role. All the other parts are very tiny and negligible.