India’s Best Dancer, a popular dance reality show on Sony Entertainment Television has created a lot of positive news because of the awesome performances by the contestants. The show will celebrate retro special this week and invite Neha Kakkar and Sunny Kaushal with Nora Fatehi. The guests will share their memorable experiences and funny moments in the episode as they will give a sneak peek into their career and life.
India’s Best Dancer Retro Special
The audience will be in for a surprise as the contestants with their choreographers set the floor on fire with their performances on superhit songs from the early Bollywood era. Neha Kakkar will also grace the stage with her singing mesmerising the contestants and judges. The surprise dance moments will also happen between judges and contestants. Nora will match Lavni dance steps with Rituja Junnarkar, a contestant. The episode will be broadcasted on 20th September 2020.