The renowned film director, Priyadarshan, has completely rejected Slumdog Millionaire and is awestruck to see the overwhelming response and importance being given to this Danny Boyle’s desi slum-n-trim emotional story.
Priyadarshan has even questioned the decision of Golden Globe and Oscars committees to have selected this movie for the prestigious award. He has ignored the film by saying that the movie is a cheap version of the emotional stories about relationships written by Salim-Javed in the 1970s.
Priyadarshan has even criticized the people who have liked this movie as according to him this cheap busty tale, Slumdog Millionaire, has degraded the image of Mumbai on the screen worldwide and this is what is most liked by West.
He watched this film at the Toronto Film festival and witnessed that the Westerners quite enjoyed watching India as a dumping land, full of exploitation and poverty. He is quite hurt that not even a single scene in the film Slumdog Millionaire that throws light on the aesthetic part of Mumbai.